Dynamics CRM vs. SalesForce.com, a show-down?

I live a sheltered life, I know.  Well, a CRM sheltered life.  I have an awareness of several CRM products with an obvious product of choice, Dynamics CRM.  The fact that there are many competitors in this space tells me that for better or worse Dynamics CRM is not the only one that has value and success.  Here comes the CRM shelter, by the time a client comes to me, they already have made the choice of which CRM product suits their needs, Dynamics CRM.  I don’t do sales.  I probably COULD but don’t really need to sell Dynamics CRM, it’s already sold before I ever meet the customer.  I’m lucky, eh?  I know.

However, not everyone has that luxury, many have to sell it, they come into a competitive environment, with a few products going head to head to see which one meets the need at hand.  From what I hear, it often comes down to Dynamics CRM vs. SalesForce.com.  Wouldn’t it be cool to have a side by side comparison?  From someone with experience in both?  As part of a series of events, you can attend such a comparison, for free :)  .  The half-day event covers much more than that, but that’s the session that got my attention.

The event details are at the site linked below.  The tour is no where near Colorado, so I won’t be able to attend.  If anyone is going, tell me how it went, so I can decide if I should lobby them to head west.

Having never attended or ever asked the folks running this show their opinion of the products, this is simply speculation, but since their registration is powered by a modified version of the Microsoft Event Solution Accelerator I assume Dynamics CRM came out on top in their comparison.  At least for their needs.


(if you use registration code YACK, you get entered into a drawing for software or services. I get nothing, but you should try)

Microsoft CRM, SharePoint, Salesforce.com, and Avaya

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xRMVirtual March 2010 Newsletter

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Are you just dying to get your hands on Dynamics CRM “5”?

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Julie - i saw this event posted as well and came to many of the same conclusions. We are often going head to head with SFDC and I hate feature shoot-outs...if you are interested I rambled on here http://www.crmsoftwareblog.com/2010/03/tops-tips-when-evaluating-software-vendors-%e2%80%93-it%e2%80%99s-more-than-featuresfunctions/

just my thoughts when comparing Dynamics CRM versus really anyone.

Thx JoeCRM

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