Dynamics CRM forums to the rescue! (in Chinese even)

I was making what should have been a pretty cut and dry custom report today with the built-in report designer in Dynamics CRM, it was around recent activities per user.  Easy peasy, right?  Um, no.

To access this client’s CRM I have to use a rarely used laptop (with a teeny tiny screen) and a virtual on that machine that then connects to their vpn.  If I had planned to be on long, I would have plugged in to a second monitor to make it a bit less painful.  But to make a “simple” report, I’d be in and out in under 5 minutes.  Yea, notsomuch.

I do the regular report set up, name it, grab the target entity, define some criteria, set up the columns and groupings.  Again, VERY STANDARD stuff.    Like any good report builder, first thing I do after save is run the report, make sure it looks like what the client needs.  I push go, I get this:


Ok then.  Yes, the report was around activities, but I didn’t use created by as a field for anything, filtering, displaying, nada.  So, I try to build the report again, from scratch, cause it is possible I did something wrong, no?  Well, in this case, actually I did nothing wrong.  :)

This is a pretty detailed error message, so I head over to my favorite search engine and paste in the guts of the error (query execution failed for dataset) in hopes of learning from someone else’s trial and error.  I get loads and loads of returns, but the 3rd one down is for the Dynamics forums.  Ahhhhh, just what I wanted.  So I click thru.  when I get there, it only takes me a second to notice some Chinese characters hanging around.  I am now on the Chinese language CRM forum.  Yes, most of it was in English, phew.

Reading thru the thread I see that yes, it is the same problem.  There’s a link to a KB article about it.  Apparently with the UR that this client is on (7) there is a known issue with some reports.  You’ll get that error when you use a system view as your starting point for the report.  The work-around is to not use the system views in your report building, make your own.  Not too awful.

I go in, make the report again, totally from scratch, including the views, and tadah it works.  I am happy, client is happy.

Now this is going to sound hypocritical, being that this is on my BLOG and all, but when I am looking for an answer for something like this, I will go to the forums first.  Yes, blogs are great resources and I do frequent several as good sources.  But for me personally the forums will often provide me a quicker answer because you will hear more details of the problem, instead of just the parts related to the solution.  You never know what little detail will trigger the solution for someone, so I like more of those little details.

Query execution failed for dataset 'DSMain'.

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Hello all
Finally I managed to find a site on such subjects! And it is part "Dynamics CRM forums to the rescue in Chinese even" is the place.
Here, I'll probably frequent visitor, as the 9 hours spent searching.

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