#CES the de-brief

I waited a few days before writing this up because I was waiting for my opinion to change.  Since that still hasn’t happened, here it goes.

I didn’t like it all that much.  I didn’t dislike it.  It was eh.

I think it was way overhyped.  I am already inundated daily with shiny objects all around me. Were there some cool things?  Sure.  Could I name them?  No, not really.  Were there some awesome things?  Not from my perspective.  The closest thing would be that 2-monitor laptop I saw.  It looked pretty physically fragile, so hopefully a couple of iterations from now, they’ll have it perfected, it’s a great idea.

My thoughts for improvements….

  • Be more selective on your vendors, go for quality over quantity.  How many different flat-screen tv wall brackets can one really see before just ignoring all of them?
  • Cap attendance.  Yes, you make money from vendors based on attendance predictions.  But if you are more selective on the vendor side, you can raise the prices for a vendor to participate because the ratio of attendee/vendor will shift.
  • Take charge of where vendors are placed on the show floors.  By this I mean take the “big” guys and spread them out a bit, sprinkle some of the “little” guys around them.  When you have huge company A right next to hug company B, no one sees anything but the mad rush of people that are pushing each other around trying to get a look.
  • Ask your keynotes (or insist, depends on your contracts I suppose) to show new stuff, not recycled stuff.  It’s no secret that I am a fan of Microsoft technology, but Steve Ballmer’s keynote was a big ole yawn for me.

Vegas is fun.  I got to see some friends I hardly ever see.  Got to have a date night with hubby to celebrate our anniversary, he proposed in Vegas, so it’s a special place for us.

Do I want my money back?  No, I was given blogger credentials and admitted free.  Ironic, huh?

#CES 2011?  Eh, not so sure for me.

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