Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-fecta v2 registration now open

Are you looking for an excuse to come to Colorado?  A business trip with an extra day to go play in the mountains?  Yup, I thought so.

February 27, 2010 we are hosting v2 of our all day FREE (imagine that word in big shiny flashing red lights, k?  keep reading) tech event.  I am usually one that says if something sounds too good to be true, than it must be, but this one is put on for the professional community by the professional community.

We’ve all heard of Code Camps and PASS Camps and Windows/ITPro Camps…that’s what we have, but all on the same day, same place.  And new this year, a beginner track.  Seriously beginners, you know that you want to code, love tech but don’t know where to start?  Come see us, we’ll get you going and introduce you to some pretty cool people.  We’ll try to feed you some pizza too.

I’m not one that likes to hide details, so here it is…we have space for 1038 attendees.  Let’s fill the place.

Here’s my take on last year’s event. Blog post  We took the feedback you gave us and made a few tweaks.  Sessions are longer, 75 minutes.  We’re trying to hook up some coffee for the morning.  Let me know what else we need?

So, if you want to speak, drop me an email, I’ll make an introduction for you.  If you want to sponsor, drop me an email, we talk.  You want to volunteer, let me know cause I am learning to delegate.  You want to attend, click the link below and register, then show up.

Click to Attend

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