Goodbye to a Decade from Hell?

I have been a subscriber to Time Magazine for what seems like forever.  This issue got my attention, Decade from Hell?  Really?  My 00’s have been pretty good.  (link to the Time story at the end)

It’s easier to start with the “bad” cause that list really is short.

  • Dad died- but he had suffered and is now at peace, so not really all that bad.
  • Divorce- yea, not sure it was bad, the marriage was bad, the divorce opened so many doors and my eyes to so many things and gave me the chance to raise my kids in an emotional healthy home.
  • Dystonia and tremor- kinda a pain in the ass but not life-stopping.  Reducing my stress is the best way to control it and how could less stress be a bad thing?

Ok, the good….

  • My children are amazing and to be able to spend the time I can and watch them grow up to be some pretty awesome people is such a blessing.
  • Dave- to marry your best friend is just something you can’t understand unless you’re there.  It’s cool, trust me.
  • My education-finally finished the Bachelors and Masters (ok, the MBA will be done 31 days into 2010, but I’m counting it!).  I did those for ME and it’s a great feeling.
  • Professionally things have never looked better.  Got some books under my belt and got some awesome recognition for my work, INETA Champ, MVP.  I feel like I am doing what I should be doing.  Nice stuff.

Those are the big ones.  I challenge you to make your decade in review list.  What would you change?  I don’t know that I’d change a thing in mine.

Goals for the next decade?  That’s another blog post I think.

The End of the 2000s: Goodbye to a Decade from Hell - TIME

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