Dynamics CRM SDK for the iPhone

A friend of mine (Thanks Paul) sent me this link.  I do not have an iPhone.  I do not want an iPhone.  (happy to explain why, just it doesn’t apply to this particular post) However, it doesn’t make this any less cool for those iPhone-ites out there.  Paul suggested I pass this along after I xRM-ify it.

I have a different idea.  Let’s all xRM-ify it.  What could you do on an iPhone with CRM?  Since I am not an iPhone-ite, enlighten me.

(for the record, I have not evaluated the level of supportedness of this, so make sure to do that on your own if you choose to use it, but it’s still a cool thing)

Magnetism Blog > Dynamics CRM SDK for the iPhone

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I know what you can do with CRM on an iPhone and we already did it :).

Just wait for the release of CWR Mobile CRM for the iPhone in January.



BTW, really nice idea, the CRM SDK on the iPhone with MonoTouch :)

Gayan Perera

Thanks for the RT Julie.

RE: supportedness, it's making the same web service calls as you would with a windows based app :)

Goal of porting the sdk to the iphone was to make xRM apps available on the iphone. We'll be putting some screenshots of the apps we've built online shortly.


Jeffry- make sur to let me know when you're done, I'd love more details.

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