xRM/CRM demand seems to be increasing
Is it a sign of the times? Well, sure, but what sign and what times. Our xRM/CRM business is going a bit nuts these days. That’s a good thing, yes? Hiring people, bringing on more experts…all good things. Hardly anyone is interested in PURE CRM, they all want some xRMy things mixed in too. And those that don’t come in looking for xRM usually leave with some once they see what can be done.
My thoughts on some of the why…
- Dynamics CRM is a powerful tool for a fair price. When it seems that all things in your business are out of control, here comes CRM and tadah! you can control THIS. You can be organized and forward thinking in a familiar Outlooky experience. Ahhh.
- xRM is a pretty cool way to develop. xRM is faster to market that most other platforms around (well, all other platforms from what I’ve seen, but not educated enough in ALL platforms to make an absolute statement). xRM development just kinda molds itself to an agile development process, no waterfalls here. Better software can be made when the smart people are allowed to be smart and agile in the process. Take a good product idea, a few planning meetings with some whiteboards and go make software. (would love a little documentation creation tool like Sketchflow has, no? HINT HINT)
- xRM is a cost effective way to develop and when budgets are tight, you get more bang for the buck than if you take another path. You can also develop in stages more easily with xRM, things wind up in nice neat little packages faster and easier here.
- xRM is not the most common path/approach to take, still pretty new and fresh. that means that when YOU take this path you are automatically working with the innovators. Innovators are pretty smart and think outside the box..they solve problems, not just make software. Good stuff.
Now a plug for some xRM experts (are we then X-perts?) in a round table tomorrow, details below. See you there!