I am no longer “acting”
I have been working with INETA groups for eons and have been helping locally, regionally and nationally for a while now. I had been the Assistant Director of Membership working with Chris Williams. Some folks decided to resign their spots on the Board of Directors and some musical people happened and I was then the Acting Director of Membership. Per the INETA rules/bylaws an election was to be had. Several great and qualified people were nominated and interviewed and I wound up being elected by the officers of INETA to finish the term as the Actual Director of Membership. (Ok, so the word actual isn’t part of the title, but it adds some flair, no?)
Ok, you’re still here, so what does that mean? For now it means more of the same as I had been doing as the acting Director of Membership and before that as the Assistant to Chris. I think there is a fine line between going in blazing and changing everything and sitting on your behind doing nothing. There are obviously things that are going well, look at INETA and the reach we have. That is pretty amazing. However, every person has their own ideas and strengths they bring to a group and I hope to add value along the way to finish out the term.
Congrats go out to both Paul Comeau and Joe Guadagno as well, new additions to the leadership of INETA too.
Click thru to the newsletter with a blurb about it. It’s a pretty good read chock full of goodies.
Off to update my bio :-)