Call for speakers for Dynamics topics

Here’s some info from our friends over as MSDynamicsWorld.  They have done virtual conferences in the past and are working on their next round AND expanding their Dynamics coverage.  There are some links to a bit of info and I have it on good authority more web content is in progress.  The folks over at MSDynamicsWorld are good people, give this a read.

I’ve been asked to submit a session and am all for it, just now need to figure out a topic, so if you have any ideas, send them over….

Here’s a cut and paste from their email… is looking for presentation proposals for our next online Dynamics event, to be held in Spring 2010, and we invite you to submit your ideas as a Microsoft Dynamics professional. The working theme of the upcoming event is “Solving Real World Challenges with Microsoft Dynamics” and it will focus on the real-life, practical, no-nonsense expertise and solutions provided by Microsoft Dynamics AX, CRM, GP, and NAV partners and service providers who help customers achieve success in their Microsoft Dynamics implementations.

Our Virtual Events

As you’ve probably heard,’s first virtual events, AX Decisions 2009 and NAV Decisions 2009, held in October, were big successes. There were over 2,500 registered attendees and the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive from attendees and exhibitors alike. This upcoming event will focus on AX, CRM, GP, and NAV, and we expect to nearly double the attendance rate.

Want to Participate?

Not sure if you have something to contribute? At the moment we are looking for a working title and an abstract of 100 words or less. We’re looking for strategic, analytical topics. Some technical details are fine, but topics should not focus on detailed software architecture or programming. Here are just a few topic areas that we think would make for an interesting presentation:

  • A solution to an industry-specific challenge that required an un-conventional approach
  • Trends in implementation methodology that are improving success for your customers
  • Software capabilities – perhaps under-used or unavailable in standard Dynamics products – that are adding value to Dynamics customers.
  • Unique implementation challenges that a customer has overcome to realize business value
  • The customer-VAR relationship and its dynamics
  • Your view on the future of a particular Dynamics product
  • Your view on the future of a particular competitive landscape (e.g., Dynamics CRM vs., Dynamics GP vs. Sage, etc.)
  • On-demand Dynamics solution success stories
  • How to engage employees more fully in utilizing Dynamics products
  • Your ideas for improving organizational productivity via a Dynamics solution

If your topic is selected, you will have the opportunity to develop a presentation to be delivered before thousands of Dynamics professionals and customers at our spring event. Here are some more details on this opportunity:

  • All selected presentations will be delivered live at our virtual event in May 2010. The presentations will also be recorded and available on demand through the summer.
  • Speakers will be featured on the Decisions 2010 Spring conference web site with a picture, bio, and presentation abstract
  • Presentations will be 30 to 45 minutes in length with a Q&A period at the end
  • Presentations will be selected for tracks based on the four major Dynamics products: AX, CRM, GP, and NAV
  • Presentations should focus on business value, industry trends, product trends, and innovation.
  • Presentations should not directly promote your company’s products or services.

You can send in your proposal directly to [email protected] with the subject line: “Decisions 2010 Spring presentation topic”. Or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at the same address and someone will get back to you promptly.

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