xRM All-star Roundtable(s) Coming up

xRMVirtual will be hosting at least one, most likely two roundtable discussions on November 3.  Our regular one will take place at 9am PST, with a potential bonus one from DownUnder.  We are still sorting out the details but here’s some folks that have already signed up to be there, in at least of of our meetings.

Me :)
Larry Lentz, CRM MVP
Ben Hoelting, C# MVP
Matt Parks, CRM MVP
David Yack, Silverlight MVP and Regional Director
George Doubinski, CRM MVP
Shan McArthur, CRM MVP
Jim Daly, Microsoft SDK Guru
Ross Lotharius, CRM MVP
Mitch Milam, CRM MVP
Imran Mustafa, CRM MVP

So, all these cool people.  Where do YOU fit in?  I am opening up the meeting so participants can plug in their headsets and have a lively interactive Q/A with these folks.

As always registration will not be required, but it’s not a bad idea to show up a bit early, the meeting will cap at 500.  Watch for more details on the site and in the newsletter soon!

If there’s an All-star you think we need on the panel, let me know, I’ve give them a shout.

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Birds of a Feather (BOF) at PDC

Oct 7
Big fat congrats go out to my friend and co-worker Ben Hoelting, his BoF submission for PDC was accepted and he will be leading the session on Should I Use Silverlight, MVC, or Web Forms for Web User Interface Development....
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What is the X factor of your business?

Oct 16
(so Live Meeting Portal is down for updates, so register after midnight, k? sorry) Just got this email about some great xRM training sessions coming up from some of my friends at Microsoft. If you’re not understanding this whole xRM...


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