Looking forward to xRMVirtual meeting tomorrow
Yea yea, you assume I look forward to EVERY meeting and while true, this one especially. We've got Microsoft CRM Online team members Eric Boocock and Jon White presenting on Online vs. Onsite, you really can develop on both.
When you are starting a new CRM implementation, one of the first decisions you need to make is the WHERE? Onsite, like my office? Onsite, like your office? Online with Microsoft? This decision is by far one of the most important ones as well. So it is vital to understand the differences of these choices. While Online does have some limitations, they have been exaggerated and Eric and Jon will address those head-on. When you are delving into xRM territory, this decision is also very critial, probably more so than for a "standard" CRM instance. So again, very important.
You don't have to be a member to join the meeting, but you should really think about joining, we're a pretty good group to hang with, if I do say so myself. Yes, it will be recorded so if you can't make it, watch it later.
Tomorrow, 9am PST, lasts about an hour, might go over if lots of questions, which I personally hope for!