INETA Champs- go vote for a feature upgrade!

INETA Champs are people who give to their professional communities.  It is not technology based, it is really to say thanks for the giving back that so many do.  I was named a Champ earlier this year and am not exaggerating when I say it was as much of an honor as my MVP was.  I have nominated some folks and am proud to watch them receive the honor and continue to grow.

The Champs site has in place a system to track your community activities.  You can put in here all those little things you already do for your groups.  Newsletters.  Sponsorships.  All those things.  Once per quarter winners are announced.

Now, what do I want from you???  It’s easy.  I have requested a new feature and need community votes to get it to the top of the list and implemented.  What’s my new feature?  I want to offer an Excel export of your community activities to help facilitate MVP reporting for current and future MVPs.  You don’t want to have to track all these activities in a zillion different places, so let’s get this feature implemented.

Go to the Champs site, link below.  On the left side of the home page, click the Red Feedback button.  Then VOTE for it.


Champs Site

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