xRMVirtual is looking for member number 1,000

So not too long ago we crowned our 500th member, Jerry Weinstock, picture below.  Jerry was gifted some CRM swag, a CRMUG membership a eBook of Silverlight 3 Jumpstart  and all the glory that goes with being our 500th member.

Now we need member #1,000.  Will it be you?  You too, could have fame and glory like Jerry.  Your picture online for the masses to see (or at least those that read my little blog).

Details below, make sure you put my name in the “how’d you hear about us?” box.  Oh, and we’re giving away a pass to PDC too as part of our drive, that’s cool too.



XRM Virtual User Group - xRMVirtual Membership Drive is on!

Previous Post

Loads (and loads) of free techie events coming your way

Aug 20
I will try to keep my details here brief, click thru for more details if something catches your eye. Did I say all these events are free?? Did I not get your event? Drop me a line, I’ll get it...
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Professional Appearance of Women?

Sep 3
This morning reading my Time Magazine (the old fashioned tree-killing version, a link to the digital one below) I found 3 pages devoted to Michelle Obama’s HAIR. Yup. So it got me thinking. How much does a woman’s appearance matter...


Anne Stanton

Time to get numbered swag ;)

You are user #123 in the xRM User Group -

Cheers Anne


Ooh, a hoodie. ;o)

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