XRM Virtual User Group - xRMVirtual Membership Drive is on!

We’ve got free software and swag.  We’ve got a pass to PDC to give away.  We want to build our reach.

You can help.  Each new member you refer (and if you become a new member) will get your name in the drawings for prizes.  The more new members you refer, the more times your name is dropped in the hat for the PDC pass drawing.

On a personal side note, Shan (my fellow group leader and co-founder) and I are not eligible to win any of the prizes, so we kinda have a side bet going, bragging rights only.  But I want more new members referred by me than by him.  Sooooo, if you’re into xRM, check us out, sign up and put my name in the box :-).

XRM Virtual User Group - xRMVirtual Membership Drive is on!

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Clip of my Q/A with Obama

Aug 16
Here’s the clip. Just noting that of all the people that were called on, I think I was the only one that hadn’t written down what I wanted to say. :-)
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Loads (and loads) of free techie events coming your way

Aug 20
I will try to keep my details here brief, click thru for more details if something catches your eye. Did I say all these events are free?? Did I not get your event? Drop me a line, I’ll get it...



Now, now Julie - the invites have to be personal. You can't just go and get them to put Julie in the signup form. You can use the refer-a-friend form like I have been using.


Oh, I luv a hot contest. :o)

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