Obama's Colorado healthcare town hall and me :-)

Yes, I got picked and got to ask my question!  Me!  I got to have a conversation(ish) with the leader of the free world.  Like him or not, that’s still pretty cool.

The link below is the full text from today, either search for Julie or scroll down past the first 2/3 or so to fine the exact Q/A exchange.

So, I asked about the impact of new taxes on small business owners, the ones that are on the cusp between textbook definitions of “middle class” and the “rich”.  New taxes to pay for healthcare “reform”.

I am not pleased with his answer, but am also not displeased either.  The net is that there is no single right or wrong answer.  I don’t think he was entirely prepared for my question, but I give him credit for not giving me a total fluff answer.

His primary points were (from my perspective) capping the deductions for the “rich” at 28%, the same amount the “average” American actually claims.  And second, that I will likely get a tax break for my business as a result of this plan.

Ok, so the problem with item #1 is not in the capping of the deductions, it’s with the omission that the same concept will not carry over to percent of income that is taxed.  So, not only will the deductions be capped, but the taxes increased.  Not fair.

Then tax breaks for my business, because yes, we give pretty decent benefits, better than just about any other company our size, better than some bigger ones too.  It’s the right thing to do, so we do it.  So, you give my business a tax credit/benefit because for doing what I already do.  Great.  BUT, when my business is more lucrative that comes down to my personal taxes.  Which have now had deductions capped and tax rates raised.  I guess it is a pretty good way to get more money and still LOOK good on the surface.

Several people stopped me to talk more about my question and the Prez’s answer.  Was told that my question was the best one asked by several as well.  Glad we went and I had a chance to ask my question and get an answer.

Pictures and a (rough) video on my Facebook in a couple of minutes.

(ETA, there was in no way any screening of the questions, no on made suggestions to the crowd, no outside influnce over our questions at any level)

Full text of Obama's Colorado healthcare town hall | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

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Clip of my Q/A with Obama

Aug 16
Here’s the clip. Just noting that of all the people that were called on, I think I was the only one that hadn’t written down what I wanted to say. :-)


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