Loads (and loads) of free techie events coming your way
I will try to keep my details here brief, click thru for more details if something catches your eye. Did I say all these events are free?? Did I not get your event? Drop me a line, I’ll get it next go ‘round.
-Utah Code Camp- September 19. www.utcodecamp.com
-Iowa Code Camp- November 7. http://iowacodecamp.com/
-Webcast from the Architect Council, day 1 Role of the Architect in Turbulent Times - August 24- info and register here
-Webcast from the Architect Council, day 2- A Closer Look at an Internet Service Bus – August 25-info and register here
-TechNet Presents Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (many dates/times, will list the others at the end)- Colorado Springs September 1- info and register Denver September 2 info and register
-Firestarter Silverlight- live event, in person and online- September 17 info and register
-Firestarter Windows Server- live event, in person and online- September 18 info and register
Other cities for TechNet Presents series, email me if you want registration info.
ABQ September 10
Irvine September 9
Salt Lake September 16
LA September 10
San Diego September 11
Portland September 2
San Francisco September 9