XRM user group in Poland

So my new friend Kuba from Poland shared with me some info on his Dynamics xRM group in Poland.  

The group’s site is here.

The blog is here.

When I was wandering around his sites I discovered that Polish is not a language one can fake knowing, so I asked him for a write up on his group, one in English, one in Polish.

Good job Kuba!  If you have a group, let me know, we will publicize you as well!

In English:

Dynamics xRM Polish User Group is a community for all polish Dynamics CRM professionals. The group was launched in January 2009 to help gather all of us in one community. The principal aim of the group is to share the knowledge about Dynamics xRM platform and to help those who hesitate whether Dynamics CRM is the way to go J. During our meetings, we discuss technical issues as well as the ways Dynamics xRM platform may help businesses in their daily work. During our first two meetings we have more than 25 attendees who work or want to work with Dynamics CRM.

Kuba Skalbania, the group’s leader, has been dealing with Dynamics CRM since 2004 (MBS CRM 1.0) and since then he has been gaining experience on various projects, e.g. while working at Microsoft Consulting Services CRM Team.

Po Polsku:

Dynamics xRM Polish Group to spolecznosc profesjonalistow zajmujacyh sie systemem Dynamics CRM. Grupa powstala w styczniu 2009 roku, aby zebrac nas wszystkich w jednym miejscu. Glownym celem grupy jest szerzenie wiedzy o platformie Dynamics xRM i pomoc tym, którzy ciagle się wahaja czy Dynamics CRM to właściwy wybor J. Podczas spotkan omawiamy zarówno tematy bardzo techniczne, jak i te bardziej biznesowe – jak platforma Dynamics xRM może pomoc firmom w codziennej pracy. W dwoch pierwszych spotkaniach grupy uczestnilo powyżej 25 osob, które pracuja albo chciałyby pracowac z Dynamics CRM.

Kuba Skalbania, lider grupy, zajmuje się Dynamics CRM od 2004 roku (od wersji MBS CRM 1.0) i od tego czasu zdobywal doświadczenie w roznych projektach, m.in. pracując w zespole CRM w Microsoft.

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