Happy Father’s Day Dad, I miss you

Happy Father’s Day Dad I miss you. I know it was time for you to go, we talked about it. Those last few days we had together were good. You had some pretty lucid moments, but then would immediately go back to your dementia moments. You knew exactly what your DNR bracelet meant and wanted me to know it, then you were worried about the puppies that were playing under your hospital bed the very next moment. I told you that you had done a good job and it was ok to be tired and done, you’d been sick for as long as I can remember. That doesn’t mean I was ready for you to be gone, but I knew you were.

You chose to be my Dad when you adopted all of us. How wonderful a man you were to take us all in, you were only in your twenties! We were all so little, I was just a toddler. I do not know of any other 20-something man that would take on such a huge obligation. FOUR DAUGHTERS! We were all loud giggly boy crazy teenagers at the same time. Having my own two teenagers now, I have no idea how you survived that.

Did you know that the boys in high school that came around were all terrified of you? You were this quiet man, didn’t chat with them, you had all these daughters and you never (never) spoke with them. They had no idea that you were shy because of your stutter, but whatever the cause, it worked, they were scared. All of us made it thru high school not dead and all of us went on to college.

People say that girls marry their dads. They marry a man that reminds them of their dad. For better or worse, I didn’t do that the first time. I have my great kids from that experience and we both know I would never trade that. I am who I am today based on my past, and that includes good and bad. I was lucky enough to marry a man like you the second time. I wish you had gotten to know Dave better. I know you loved him and approved of him, but he is such a great husband and father, you would have both enjoyed more time together.

I wish we had the time to take that trip to Las Vegas that you always wanted to take. I wish that you had more time to be Grandpa to Drew and Jack. I wish you could be there in a few months when I graduate with my Masters.

Thanks Dad for all you did. I miss you and love you.

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Laura Ambrose

wishing you peaceful and joyful memories

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