XRMVirtual has over 500 members now

And the winner is……


Jerry Weinstock from CRM Innovation.


Jerry will be getting a complimentary Premium Membership for one year to CRMUG (that’s worth over a grand- sweet!).  Thanks to my friends over at CRMUG for hooking us up.

Also Jerry was offered a signed copy of (x)CRM as a Rapid Development Platform but declined, since he has a copy already (yea).  Instead he will be getting a copy of Building Silverlight RIAs that we’re not even done writing yet.

My buddies at Microsoft will be sending Jerry some cool CRM/XRM swag as well.

All that just for signing up for our fun little group.

Below is the announcement on the CRMUG site.  Go give them a look, see if they’d be a good fit for you.


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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog : Microsoft Dynamics CRM and IE8 Tweak

May 7
I’m a guest blogger on the CRM team blog today, here’s the gist, but they have pictures, their link below. I had recently installed SP2 for Office 2007 on my Vista Enterprise laptop, which includes IE8 with the install. Once...
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The evolution of Mother’s Day

May 10
Year one- No one in the world could be as tired as I am right now. For mother’s day I just want a day off, without feeling guilty for having the occasional day that even the thought of being a...


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