MSDN Unleashed returns to Colorado

After such a successful round 1, they’re coming back!  Events in Denver on May 26 and 27, Colorado Springs May 28.  Links for registration down below.


Please join us as we present some of the highlights of MIX! 

Because of the overwhelming demand for this content, we’re offering two different sessions in Denver and on in Colorado Springs. We are still working to hold an event in Ft. Collins.

Please register for the one that works best for your schedule!

What’s New in Silverlight 3?

Are you interested in building business-focused Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)?  Would you like to take advantage of 3D in the browser, but assume it is too hard?  Have you wanted to take a Silverlight application offline?  Then this session is for you.  We will explore and illustrate the new features of Silverlight 3, including the following:

· Support for perspective 3D

· Offline Support

· .NET RIA Services which simplifies the traditional n-tier application pattern by bringing together the ASP.NET and Silverlight platforms

Building Web Applications with Windows Azure

This session will begin with a brief overview of Azure and discuss some of the announcements made at MIX.  We will then illustrate through demo how to build a Windows Azure application from the ground up.  We will illustrate how to consume Azure Table Storage, how to host services, web pages and Silverlight components, as well as how to deploy your solution to the cloud.

MVC 1.0 vs ASP.Net Webforms

Have you heard about the new ASP.NET MVC  framework from Microsoft and wondered what it was all about? Are you curious whether this replaces ASP.Net WebForms?  Well in this session you will learn how to use the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern to take advantage of your favorite .NET Framework language for writing business logic in a way that is de-coupled from the views of the data.  In addition, we will talk about the pros and cons of both MVC and Web Forms, how to determine the best choice for a specific project, various techniques and patterns used to build MVC applications vs. Web Forms applications, and the implications for using each approach.

Thursday, May 28, 2009
7450 Campus Drive
Colorado Springs Colorado 80920
Time: 1:00 pm –5:00 pm

1-877-673-8368, reference Event ID 1032413167

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Microsoft Denver Office
7595 Technology Way #400
Denver, CO 80237
Time: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

1-877-673-8368, reference Event ID 1032413165

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Microsoft Denver Office
7595 Technology Way #400
Denver, CO 80237
Time: 8:00 am –12:00 pm

1-877-673-8368, reference Event ID 1032413166

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More authors turn to Web and print-on-demand publishing

Apr 6
Last year, when we published our (x)CRM book, we semi-self published. I say semi-self published because we did have a team of folks and since most (all?) of us had had experience with the “big” tech publishing firms, we kinda...
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XRM Virtual User Group – meeting Thursday the 23rd

Apr 16
Click below for more details and to learn more about XRMVirtual. But here’s a taste. This is for our beginner track, the more advance developer track meets May 5 with David Yack presenting on Silverlight in CRM. Join Ben Riga...


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