More authors turn to Web and print-on-demand publishing
Last year, when we published our (x)CRM book, we semi-self published. I say semi-self published because we did have a team of folks and since most (all?) of us had had experience with the “big” tech publishing firms, we kinda felt like we knew what we were doing. We also printed some in advance, have some print on demand and also the ever popular eBook available.
We are in the process of doing this again with a book on Silverlight 3 in the works as I type.
Would I recommend just anybody self publish? Nope. Just because you feel like writing a book, doesn’t necessarily mean that you should. Find people to talk to that will give you an honest opinion (I am certainly happy to chat, I will be honest, even if you don’t like it). Talk to some people in your target audience. Do some research, see if someone else is in the middle of writing the same thing already.
Then if you decide to do it, think again. Are you prepared to do all that work yourself? Can you find people to work with that will work for a percentage of sales or do they want paid NOW? Can you afford to pay them NOW? Do YOU possess the dedicated and passion for your topic that will motivate you enough to finish when you’re 167 pages in and not wanting to write.another.word.
Good idea. Good rewards. As long as you are in it for the long haul and have a good supportive group of people working with you.
More authors turn to Web and print-on-demand publishing -