Michelle Obama

I am grateful to Michelle Obama because she is showing my daughter that you can achieve great things on your own and in support of your husband.  That is is not taboo to be proud of your spouse.  I hope I am showing her that too, but you know teenagers, when it’s THIER mom, it’s just all wrong.


Michelle Obama has had her own successes.  She has also made her husband’s success possible.  At the end of the day, how successful can one be without someone at home that will cook you dinner and help pay the bills while you pursue your dreams?  And this goes both ways.  The he and she of the relationship should be doing this give and take (or he and he or she and she, makes no matter).


I am blessed that I have a supportive husband.  I am cursed because we both work in the same industry.  There are still people that assume I am his secretary/assistant/subordinate.  That was the assumption for several years actually.  Heck still to this day he often gets credit for my work. :)  He will be staying home with the kids while I go off to Tech Ed in a couple weeks.  But I am home doing the family thing this week and next while he’s away on business.


So what is the takeaway from my babbling today?

Women- it’s ok to be part of a successful TEAM at home.  Don’t be afraid to be supportive of your spouse.  However, don’t be submissive if you are not getting what YOU need for your success.  When a kid is sick take turns missing work so you both have additional opportunities available to you.  When women fail to have a balance at home that carries over to work, it’s our own fault if that means we get paid less.  Make it equal at home too, so you can be equal at work.  Be aware that success is cyclical.  There may be months where you’re busy busy busy, kicking ass at work and hubby is home every night cooking dinner.  But when his promotion comes thru, slow yourself down a notch to make sure he can excel as well.


Men-  take those days off work to take the kids to the dentist.  Do some laundry.  Remember that when SHE is successful the whole family benefits, not just her.


Here is a link to the story I read this morning that inspired this blog post.


Why Michelle Obama inspires women around the globe - CNN.com

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