I officially added a comma to my name, MVP
Most people think MVP and think Most Valuable Player. People in the nerd world, my world, know it to be Most Valuable Professional. I was awarded a (nerd) MVP yesterday (I’d never get the other kind, I am a clumsy dork). More specifically, I am now a proud CRM MVP.
It made my day (probably week and month too, can’t say year, that is reserved for accomplishments of my kids).
So for the non-nerds, what does the nerd MVP mean? It means a few things.
First obviously, you are involved in technology as your profession, specifically Microsoft technologies. Everything from Windows to Excel to ASP.NET has an MVP community. That’s not to say that just anybody can be an MVP, but that says that even if your specialty is xBox or Cluster, you too can be an MVP. And that you can be deep technical or not so deep technical and still receive the award.
Second, you are good at your chosen technology. It makes sense, big company like Microsoft calling you MVP for their technology would expect you to be good, yes?
Third, community involvement. Professional community involvement. That could be user groups. Traditional meet-in-person-talk-for-two-hours-and-have-pizza groups. Virtual right-to-business-fluff-what-fluff groups. Online forums, hang out at the online Microsoft Q&A groups, ask questions, answer questions. Speak at meetings, events, conferences, etc. In other words, evangelize. Know your stuff and tell the world.
So, you’re interested and want to become an MVP? Let me know and I will make the proper introduction for you to the correct community for your chosen technology and they can help you make a path for this.
Here’s the link to my new MVP profile :)
Congrats Julie! You should definitely be proud of it. I really look forward to the many great things that XRM virtual user group will bring to the community.
Posted by: Girish Raja | April 03, 2009 at 12:33 PM
Did you mean this was your MVP profile page? :o)
Posted by: JaAG | April 13, 2009 at 02:43 PM
Thanks Jim, link corrected. I swear it worked on my machine.
Posted by: Julie Yack | April 13, 2009 at 03:13 PM
BTW: Both links work now.
Posted by: Stephen Noe | April 29, 2009 at 04:15 PM
Hello, i am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited and happy to say that the webmaster has done a very good job here to put all the information content and information at one place, i will must refer this information with reference on my website
Posted by: Cheap Computers | May 15, 2009 at 01:09 AM
A late Congratulations Julie! As a CRM MVP Alumni (I was #7) I look forward to watching you dive in and expand your sharing both to the community and back to the development teams.
Posted by: Anne Stanton | June 30, 2009 at 06:58 AM