XRM Virtual User Group – meeting one a huge success!
We just completed our first meeting and it was a HUGE success. Yes, we had a few audio issues, totally losing it at the end. However, Bryan Nielson is a rock star and finished with some impromptu slides to communicate what was going on. We had 59 attendees, and that is huge for any user group, but for first meeting of a virtual group, you guys just rock! Thanks so much.
What I learned is that we will need two main tracks for our group. Maybe each track meets monthly, two weeks apart. We will sort those details out. So, we need an XRM 100 series, starting with a solid understand of CRM itself, then how to take your ideas and move into XRM dev. Then the deep nerd sessions, deep technical sessions to make CRM disappear and XRM take shape.
Link below to the recording from today.