Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog : New: XRM Virtual User Group

I was invited to be a guest blogger on the CRM team blog and today my post was published. 


Go have a look, but if you’re a regular here, you already know what its says.  However, this is to nudge you over there on a regular basis for the goodies they post there.

Thanks to the CRM team for offering us some chatter on the new group.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog : New: XRM Virtual User Group

Previous Post

HIV and AIDS cases rise 22 percent in D.C.

Mar 15
(totally getting on my soap box here) Wow, how scary! We KNOW how this is transmitted. We KNOW how to prevent it. We KNOW how awful this virus is. Yet, we're still passing it around? Come on people, can't we...
Next Post


Mar 23
All kinds of communities. Where you live, duh, bound by geography. Kids’ schools, um, common theme, KIDS and their education. Work, yup, professional. What other communities do you belong to and why? The professional community can be so many things....


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