Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-fecta planning

So, yes, we are looking at a HUGE event next weekend.  When I was approached last fall with a "hey, wanna do a code camp?" I said sure, let's do it, do it big and have 500 people.  Well, looks like we'll meet that goal.  Who knew?  I guess that goes to the plan for success instead of failure school of thought.

( if you need to register) 

Some fun has been had along the way, event bags have actually turned out to be a bit of fun.

Here's some pictures of the work we've got going on for last minute prep...this is some of the bag contents....







We've got flyers, event maps and schedules, etc.  Tech magazines in each bag.  Water bottle.  Event stuff.


Here's some of the finished bags, just less than half of them here.



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Stratosphere, I finally get it

Feb 9
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Stupid tech law suit! The right of Web sites to link

Feb 17
Yes, I used the word stupid. Totally not professional, I know. BUT, there is no other word that fits. The deal here, some big law firm decided to bully a little guy (law firm over 2k lawyers, little guy is...


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