Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-fecta by the numbers

So, some important (ish) numbers for the on after that for more details about what a day we had...


1 fifteen car pileup on an icy highway that prevented many attendees from arriving on time, if at all

1 speaker stuck in Milwaukee

1 speaker that presented on a white board because his projector died mid session

1 guy that corrected the grammar on the event eval form

2 light sabers

3 attendees named Michael Jackson

4 speakers named Mr Jones

5 number of stress balls thrown by Scott Hanselman

6 slices of pizza left at the end of the day

9 states from which attendees came

18 guys named Dave

936 slices of pizza eaten

2,550 minutes of technical knowledge shared

4,000 Curious George fruit snack pieces consumed

5,670 oz of soda that was consumed


After all is said and done, it was a fantastic day.  We had just under 400 people there and all the evals were very positive.   The volunteers were so awesome and helped me have a much less stressful day than I had expected.  Corey Eberly and your team from Modis are all heroes and their help was much (MUCH) appreciated. The number one complaint (drum roll please)........  GIVE US MORE.  It is a delicate balance between number of sessions and length of sessions.  I'm not sure if anyone ever gets it dead-on, but we try.  And we listen and try to to better next time.


People wanted more Windows sessions.  I would have loved to have more Windows sessions, get your Windows buddies to sign up next time, so we have the numbers to justify more sessions.


Other concerns were around difficulty finding the location, having to pay for parking, wanting MORE free stuff (shame on you, you know who you are, there was LOADS of free stuff ALL.DAY.LONG).  Some people also asked to have like sessions/tracks in the same rooms all day.  To that I say nope, we did that on purpose to get you up and walking around, mingling with others, etc.


Some people asked for things like abstracts in advance (they were posted on the home page of the website and the schedule page) and at least a 10 minute break between sessions (we had a scheduled 10 minute break, but the speakers typically ran over, see above).


Someone asked for sessions on for next year's call for speakers and give us a session on mobile.


Some quotes from the evals....

"Ely Lucas did a great job in Intro to Game Programming"

"Love Diet Dr Pepper served at lunch"

"Have these events more often"

"Great job by all presenters"

"Rob Bagby was a fantastic speaker"

"I wouldn't change anything"

"Steve Milroy Great!"

"I'd say this was the best MS event that I have ever attended in Denver"

"Jerry Nixon was fantastic"

"Glenn Berry is a good speaker!"

"You need more people like Beth Massi presenting"

"Too many good sessions running at the same time, impossible to decide"

"Hanselman was hilarious and REAL"

"Don Jones rocked!"

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Best picture from the Trifecta

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Some people also asked to have like sessions/tracks in the same rooms all day. To that I say nope, we did that on purpose to get you up and walking around, mingling with others

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