Why do people visit YOUR blog?
I know I have a handful of friends that read my blog to keep up with whatever witty comments I happen to be saying. Probably some that feel obligated (it's ok, I feel obligated to read yours too).
My blog provider gives me this cool list of site referers. I can tell if someone came to my site via a web search somehow. Some find me because of some error message I've written about. A cool event I'm promoting. You know, the regular.
But the odd ones....they have been getting curiouser and curiouser. Here's the recent ones.....
ankle cast-splints-leg casts-images- etc...this is by far the most popular type of search term directing traffic here. It goes back to my mother's day trip to the ER and an image of my daughter's leg in a cast in the ER. Slightly on the creepy side don't you think?
a close second is what I call the depressing group- this blog is "the never boring life of me", people searching on things like "my boring life" "is anyone's life as boring as mine". etc. Sad, eh?
Whenever there's cool stuff going on in space, I get traffic on searches for info about the stratosphere. Nope, I'm not writing about outer-space but my awful experience when I stayed at that hotel.
I get odd ones from searches like "worthless boring life" , a nice combo from my blog name and a post about a worthless error message.
I would prefer to get traffic from those I know and those that stumble upon me based on some of my more professional or inspirational posts, but what is it they say, "all press is good press"?