Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-Fecta Register now

So, in case you've forgotten, we are still registering people for our "little"  event.


Little?  We are actually planning and expect some 500 attendees.  Important details....


  • REGISTER ahead of time.  Yes, it is free, but we do have sponsors helping out and I'd like to know how many pizzas to order.
  • FREE- yes, free to attend.
  • Great content, go look at the speaker page, I have more to add, but the list that is there now is certainly not too shabby.
  • Giveaways- registered attendees will be eligible for cool giveaways (a netbook, xbox360, zune, etc)

So what are you waiting for, go register!



Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-Fecta

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Boulder .NET User Group's website back in business AND Joe Mayo presenting TOMORROW!

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Obama signs fair pay legislation

Jan 29
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