Obama signs fair pay legislation

So this is really cool.  I live in a world where since I make the paychecks, I know that I pay myself and other women fairly.  We all know that is not always the case.  In my business each pay check is driven by what my clients are willing to pay for your services.  It really is that simple.

Collectively, this is good for all of us, men and women.  For women it is obvious the advantage.  For men, don't you want your mothers, daughters, sisters and wives to be paid fairly?   Don't we all want the innovation, creativity and hard work women bring to the table and take pay inequality out of it all?


Sometimes it's our (women, collectively) fault.  Yes, we take time off for a baby.  That's biology, can't change it.  What we do that we can control is not expect this fairness at home.  If I have a sick kid at home, a dog that needs to go to the vet or a repairman coming to the house and I don't expect my husband to take equal responsibility with his time, that's my fault.  I should get paid less if I am there less for reasons like this.  I should expect my husband to pull his own weight around the house (which he does by the way, thanks for doing laundry last night dear it was nice after a busy day).


(for the record ladies this mean we must continue to work just as hard as the men, just like we've always done)


Either way, it makes no difference.  All things considered equal a paycheck should only be determined by performance.  No gender involved.  And while I am a half-full kinda girl and think that most companies do not practice this ON PURPOSE, it will help them pay more attention to avoid it.



Obama signs fair pay legislation - CNN.com

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It's hard to imagine in the 21st Century this is still an issue--but it is. Sigh...

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