Obama signs fair pay legislation

So this is really cool.  I live in a world where since I make the paychecks, I know that I pay myself and other women fairly.  We all know that is not always the case.  In my business each pay check is driven by what my clients are willing to pay for your services.  It really is that simple.

Collectively, this is good for all of us, men and women.  For women it is obvious the advantage.  For men, don't you want your mothers, daughters, sisters and wives to be paid fairly?   Don't we all want the innovation, creativity and hard work women bring to the table and take pay inequality out of it all?


Sometimes it's our (women, collectively) fault.  Yes, we take time off for a baby.  That's biology, can't change it.  What we do that we can control is not expect this fairness at home.  If I have a sick kid at home, a dog that needs to go to the vet or a repairman coming to the house and I don't expect my husband to take equal responsibility with his time, that's my fault.  I should get paid less if I am there less for reasons like this.  I should expect my husband to pull his own weight around the house (which he does by the way, thanks for doing laundry last night dear it was nice after a busy day).


(for the record ladies this mean we must continue to work just as hard as the men, just like we've always done)


Either way, it makes no difference.  All things considered equal a paycheck should only be determined by performance.  No gender involved.  And while I am a half-full kinda girl and think that most companies do not practice this ON PURPOSE, it will help them pay more attention to avoid it.



Obama signs fair pay legislation - CNN.com

Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-Fecta Register now

So, in case you've forgotten, we are still registering people for our "little"  event.


Little?  We are actually planning and expect some 500 attendees.  Important details....


  • REGISTER ahead of time.  Yes, it is free, but we do have sponsors helping out and I'd like to know how many pizzas to order.
  • FREE- yes, free to attend.
  • Great content, go look at the speaker page, I have more to add, but the list that is there now is certainly not too shabby.
  • Giveaways- registered attendees will be eligible for cool giveaways (a netbook, xbox360, zune, etc)

So what are you waiting for, go register!



Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-Fecta

Boulder .NET User Group's website back in business AND Joe Mayo presenting TOMORROW!

For any of you that may never have heard from Joe Mayo before, he is certainly the cream of the crop.  Smart guy.  Good presenter.  Loves audience questions and interactions.  And an all around nice guy too!


Details below in the link, but tomorrow night, Boulder.  Tell Joe I said Hi!



Introduction to C# 4.0 and VS2010 by Joe Mayo

Why are YOU in technology? Seriously, I want your feedback!

I have been asked to speak to a group of high school students that have had little exposure to technology beyond your typical classroom powerpoint, excel, google experiences.  I am to go over several things with them, but among them is WHY technology as a career.


So, here's the question for you.....


Why are you in technology?


One word, one sentence, one paragraph, one page, doesn't matter.  Just tell me why you are in tech these days.

Code Camp call for speakers and registration now open

The Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-fecta needs you, speakers and attendees.

Ok, so what exactly is a Tech Tri-fecta? Gotcha. Three different technology families, all on the same day at the same place at the same time. It’s a Code Camp. It’s a PASS Camp. It’s a Windows Server Camp.

Saturday February 21, 2009. Metro State College, Denver. Checkin at 8am, sessions start at 8:30 and we will end by 5pm.

Speakers: one of the directives of the “camp” mentality is to get as many speakers up in front of the group as possible, and cut out all the fluff. Code. Code. Code. (or fill in the blank with your preferred technology of choice, just cut out the fluff first). We currently have 42 spots to fill and if numbers warrant it, can add to it. Sessions are 50 minutes long, including any Q&A. Submit however many you’d like. If topics overlap, we’ll coordinate the speakers to work out an arrangement to get the session in front of the audience and get them both there as well. If you’re way enthusiastic and submit 8 sessions, we may ask you to rank them for us to pick from.

Attendees: Hanselman (yea, Scott Hanselman is coming). Yack. Huckaby. Golightly. Dollard. Bagby. Massi. Milroy. Neilson. Jacobs. Shirey. All in one place. All for free. Sessions are still being finalized but all of these tech Rock Stars have come on board and will be presenting sessions for us at the Tri-fecta. How cool is that?

www.rmtechtrifecta.com for session submissions and for registration. There are three links for registration, one for each main track. This will not force you into a track, just help us plan for room space based on interest. So pick the track that you are most likely to attend, if you can’t decide, just register somewhere, we’ll figure it all out, promise.

Can’t forget the Sunday fun too. A semi-organized day of skiing/boarding. On the registration page is the link to register for the bus trip to Copper. The final price will be determined by number of folks going, but we’re shooting for $40 range for bus to/from and lift ticket. So, join us again on Sunday to have some fun up at Copper. Registering here will not obligate you to anything, just get us your info so we can coordinate the day.

Brought to you by your local user groups, SouthColorado.NET, Colorado Springs SQL Server UG and Colorado Springs Windows User Group. We’d also like to thank our sponsors, Microsoft, Colorado Technology Consultants, The Association for Competitive Technology, Modis, TekSystems, Red Gate, Consortio Services and CS Tech Cast.

So here’s your chance to have your name up in lights (figuratively of course) next to some pretty awesome and smart folks. Come join us!

Questions? Want to sponsor us too? Contact Julie Yack at [email protected].

FREE MSDN events coming back to Colorado!

So, here we go again folks, more great free content coming to Colorado (and some pretty cool free t-shirts, trust me, I saw the design).


Rob Babgy and his team have organized two events so far (and are feverishly working on a third, watch for details), MSDN Events Unleashed, the Best of PDC.  One event in Colorado Springs (Jan 26) and one in Denver (Jan 27).  Links below to register, again FREE but register please so everyone gets a seat, everyone gets an uber cool t-shirt.


The events are both afternoon events, 1pm-5:30pm.  Sessions include, What's next for C#4...Silverlight toolkit...REST with WCF...Windows Azure.  Good stuff folks.


See you there!


Colorado Springs registration


Denver registration

Why do people visit YOUR blog?

I know I have a handful of friends that read my blog to keep up with whatever witty comments I happen to be saying.  Probably some that feel obligated (it's ok, I feel obligated to read yours too).


My blog provider gives me this cool list of site referers.  I can tell if someone came to my site via a web search somehow.  Some find me because of some error message I've written about.  A cool event I'm promoting.  You know, the regular.


But the odd ones....they have been getting curiouser and curiouser.  Here's the recent ones.....


ankle cast-splints-leg casts-images- etc...this is by far the most popular type of search term directing traffic here.  It goes back to my mother's day trip to the ER and an image of my daughter's leg in a cast in the ER.  Slightly on the creepy side don't you think?


a close second is what I call the depressing group- this blog is "the never boring life of me", people searching on things like "my boring life" "is anyone's life as boring as mine". etc.  Sad, eh?


Whenever there's cool stuff going on in space, I get traffic on searches for info about the stratosphere.  Nope, I'm not writing about outer-space but my awful experience when I stayed at that hotel.


I get odd ones from searches like "worthless boring life" , a nice combo from my blog name and a post about a worthless error message.


I would prefer to get traffic from those I know and those that stumble upon me based on some of my more professional or inspirational posts, but what is it they say, "all press is good press"?