Boulder .NET User Group's website back in business AND Joe Mayo presenting TOMORROW!

For any of you that may never have heard from Joe Mayo before, he is certainly the cream of the crop.  Smart guy.  Good presenter.  Loves audience questions and interactions.  And an all around nice guy too!


Details below in the link, but tomorrow night, Boulder.  Tell Joe I said Hi!



Introduction to C# 4.0 and VS2010 by Joe Mayo

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Why are YOU in technology? Seriously, I want your feedback!

Jan 23
I have been asked to speak to a group of high school students that have had little exposure to technology beyond your typical classroom powerpoint, excel, google experiences. I am to go over several things with them, but among them...
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Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-Fecta Register now

Jan 26
So, in case you've forgotten, we are still registering people for our "little" event. Little? We are actually planning and expect some 500 attendees. Important details.... REGISTER ahead of time. Yes, it is free, but we do have sponsors helping...


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