Why do you volunteer?

I volunteer for three main groups.  Our children's schools.  Our .NET community.  Our business and professional women.  Why?


The short answer is because I like to make a difference.  I truly want to leave the world in a better state than when I got here.  I want to give back, back to all those that inspired me in my endeavors to maybe inspire the next group that passes by.  To then teach them to give back, to volunteer, to make the world better because they care.


More specifically why I volunteer...


The schools....well I've got kids in school and when they reach the age they are now, the kids want you to stay far far away from them.  Volunteering as I do, with the technology committees, allows me to be there helping without imposing on the experience my kids are having.  The staff knows who I am, who my kids are and I think that is very important.  I also think the kids having their freedom to succeed, to learn and to fail on their own is important and the way I volunteer does not impede that process.  I like to think that I make a difference with my work with these committees also, that I can help guide the decisions based on an area that I know, technology use.


.NET community...how cool is it that there is this huge, fairly well organized international group of volunteers whose whole purpose is the professional development of like-minded people?  I need to be part of something with such a broad reach and noble intent.  The technology world is always evolving and most people simply cannot on their own keep up.  This work helps to keep the profession moving forward.


Business and professional women....when I was in high school, I was in a pageant (no comments, please) and the sponsor was our local business and professional women's group.  They didn't just write a check and walk away.  They had members there helping us learn our routines.  They were backstage with us making sure we were ready for the stage when it was our turn.  They were involved because they wanted to be.  It was then that I knew when I was an adult, out working and growing my career that I would find a like organization and join it.  I did just that several years ago.  I have been so inspired by this group of women.  These ladies want to make the world around them better for all of us and they do things and don't whine about them.  I am now involved at a national level and love it.


I am not putting links to these groups, I am not recruiting for them.  If you want more info about any of them, let me know, I am happy to get you whatever info you want.


So, why do you volunteer?  And if you don't, why not?  What inspires you?  How can you bring that to others?

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I volunteer for many of the same reasons you do – I’m driven to make a difference, I see many ways to help, and I want to raise my daughter to be an involved, caring member our community.

As a working mom, PTA leader and Scout parent, I’ve seen many well-intentioned volunteers opt out of volunteering because of the little things that make it a hassle - multiple requests for help, reply-all email to fill volunteer spots or get needed supplies, taking time off work only to be turned away b/c too many people showed up to help, etc. I’ve also seen many GREAT volunteer leaders get burned out as volunteer coordination takes up too much time.

Fed up with antiquated tools to manage volunteers, I founded VolunteerSpot.com. Please check us out and try the demo: www.VolunteerSpot.com. We offer a simple, free volunteer scheduling and signup tool that makes doing good, easier.

Sherry Saunders


Love your causes especially working women. Have you visited the BPW/USA blog? Let's link

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