2008 in review

2008 was the year of writing.  Books (I worked on three).  Whitepapers (8 of them I think, maybe 10).  School papers (I went back to school in August).  But there was more, read on.


January started like every other year the past almost 7 years, celebrating my anniversary with my husband.  The best years of my life, thanks.  Also went to our CO State BPW legislative conference.  Felt a bit out of place based on my political beliefs, but stayed nonetheless to make sure the other side is heard.  Felt loved and wanted, just not necessarily one of the group.


February- I am sure there's something spectacular that happened then but for some reason my calendar archive is blank for February.


March- MIX08 in Vegas.  Let's just say it was interesting.  Spring break with the family, we drove to the west coast and back.


April we had our big (BIG) heroes launch event here in COS.  The PASS guys and the WIndows guys joined us .NET nerds and we had some 200 people for our event, that's huge for Colorado Springs.  Got sponsors to pick up the tab and the event was free for attendees.  The following week some friends hand-delivered to Steve Balmer a gift from our event since he declined my personal invitation to join us.  Maybe next one?  We started a cool proof of concept for a CRM customization, really enjoyed that project.


May was my birthday :)  anything else?


June- was supposed to go to Tech Ed, lead a few sessions.  Then Australia called.  How could I say no to that?  We snorkeled the reef, held koalas and went to 4 beaches in a week.  Stopped in LA to visit with family on the way out and back again.  Went to Vegas for a friend's b-day party.  I also started getting these great injections behind my kneecaps. 


July brought us to the east coast, NYC, Boston, Maine, and back again.  Vegas a couple of times.  We also "won" our dispute with the car and GM had to take back our lemon.  Started working another cool little CRM project, this one is more of a doing the right thing than a money maker, but rewarding just the same.  Also started another big ole custom enterprise solution with my buddy Tom.  Book on Excel released and book on women's issued released.  I started work on a national level with Business and Professional Women as a member of the membership committee.  What a great group of women!


August- kids back to school and we released the book.  what book? THE BOOK, www.thecrmbook.com.  What a great experience.  Yes, see, I called it a great experience!  Self-publishing was loads and loads and loads of work, but then we don't have to share the rewards, financial or otherwise, with anyone else.  The best part is the constant stream of emails from readers telling me how much time our solutions are saving them.  How cool is that?  Kids also got braces that month and I decided to go back to get my Master's degree.


September I spent most of it alone while Dave traveled.  And the weekend he was home, I was gone for my high school reunion.  Wow, that reunion was something.  Nuff said there.


October we all went to Rome.  Dave was still traveling and we took kids out of school and met up in Rome for a week.  Was great, ate lots of yummy food, saw some of my most favorite things.  We lost one of my most favorite employees when Cathy took a job elsewhere because the opportunity was so awesome for her.  Miss her.  Proud of her.


November was pretty quiet except for that whole election thing.


December started with a fast trip to Redmond, followed by a fast trip to the Bahamas without the kids.  Dave had a snowy car wreck, bad enough to kill the car, but not so bad that he was hurt, not even a bruise.  Now we are ending with the flu.  Bummer.


What does 2009 bring?


I already know Dave will turn 40 this year (I'm a yr behind).  Our oldest will turn 16 and think he should be driving.  Our baby will start high school.  I will be THIS close to done with my MBA.

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