Saturday with Gloria Steinem

You may know Gloria Steinem as a revolutionary feminist or a Playboy bunny (undercover) or someone whose views line up with yours or are from from yours.


I had the pleasure of meeting her yesterday and introducing her to my daughter.  I consider her one of my personal heroes, so it was beyond awesome to meet her.  We had a chance to chat prior to the main event below.


She spoke to a group of us, I think the count was around a couple hundred.  She entertained questions/conversations from the audience.


She is very firm in her beliefs.  But I also found out, she is very firm in YOUR beliefs.  It doesn't matter to her if you agree with her and support the same causes, support your own causes.  Know who you are.


I told Gloria that when I first told my daughter we were going to hear her speak and meet her that my daughter had no idea who she was.  Gloria's response was "as long as she knows who she is".



Not posed.  Gloria had just told my daughter to get in the picture and said in 20 years people would be asking who was in that picture with Jackie  (first, we were both flattered that she remembered Jackie's name  and second flattered by her assumption that people with know Jack in 20 years and that by then she (Gloria) would be unknown)




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vConferenceOnline - here's another sample video for you now with Ben Hoelting

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