Our book readers are awesome!

I have been meeting some great people that have been buying our CRM Book.  We have some follow-up emails going out giving some suggestions and many of you have been replying to me sharing some great successes.  How awesome is that??!!  Keep sending them, I love sharing them with the team and having another chance to thank them all.


So Eric in Australia and I have been emailing a bit and he is very eager to dive deep into CRM and have at it.  However, he is a team of one and needed someone to bounce ideas off of, pace each other with their progress, mentor each other, etc.  We have sold several other books in Australia and I sent out an email to all the others in the same province as Eric and asked for a pacing partner that was closer to him than we are here in Colorado.


Less than an hour later one of you, Garry, replied and was happy to do it.  I've never met Eric.  I've never met Garry.  How cool are they to work together and challenge each other??

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oh my goodness the BEST error message EVER

Nov 5
I clicked a link to look at a blog and got this message.... I think I'm in love..... Page Not Found I'm sorry, you've reached a page that I cannot find. I'm really sorry about this. It's kind of embarassing....
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Our book readers are awesome- part two

Nov 9
All weekend long, replies replies replies. Now me thinks we need an XRM developer user group in Melbourne. Getting to work on that now. How cool. The never boring life of Me- Julie Yack's Blog


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