Microsoft Dynamics CRM Incubation Week

So, how cool is this......


Spend a week working on your next "shiny" idea.  But not just that.  You will be given training.  You will be given an industry expert to mentor you along the way.  You will be given expert evaluation and feedback.  Did you catch that key word?  GIVEN.  Yup, free program.


Seriously.  The biggest catch is you have to cover your own travel expenses to Virginia.


The real benefit is this great program to teach you how to build on the cool (X)CRM platform.  It really is a cool way to think outside the box and integrate solutions for your internal projects or show off to clients how smart you are. 


This goes down the week of December 15 and is hosted by Sanjay Jain, his blog post is below and he has much more details as well as how to sign up. 


Quick, GO READ IT and see if you and your team can make a go of it.  Then, come back and tell me how it went?

Microsoft Dynamics ISV Architect Evangelism : Microsoft Dynamics CRM Incubation Week

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