The office lizard debacle

Our office building has lizards.  I have blogged about them before, the babies ones were falling from my ceiling one day, raining lizards.  I have also mentioned Adrienne, my co-worker, and her absolute fear of them.  As the weather in Colorado gets colder, the lizards come inside.  They don't normally bother anyone and they keep the building free of bugs.

Imagine this, think Lucy and Ethel.


We were all (Ben, Cathy, Adrienne and me) getting ready to take Ben to lunch for his birthday.  I was in the doorway out of our office suite, at the top of the stairs.  I needed to tug the band of my shirt down, so I grabbed it on both sides, just around the sides.  When I did this, I felt something weird, then it was on my hand.  When I looked down at my hand, there was a lizard, clinging to my hand for dear life.  I just said "ew"  (note, said, not screamed, they annoy me, but that's about it) and the lizard got tossed pretty hard to the ground as I shook my hand.  I didn't intend to hurt it, but it startled me.

Now Adrienne.  She saw what was happening and jumped up on top of the couch at the top of the stairs.  Screaming.  Loud.  Very loud.  I started laughing.  Ben and Cathy saw parts of this and were laughing also.  We were all pretty loud.


Lizard hobbled over from its landing spot and went under the couch.  The couch Adrienne was standing on.  This did not go over well.  Meanwhile, while Adrienne is truly frantic, we couldn't help but laugh even more, just what good friends would do.  Right?


Pretty soon, people from the surrounding office suites came to check on us and all the noise.  Wanting to make sure we were all ok.


We calmed down.  I washed the lizard off my hands.  We went to lunch.


We laughed all afternoon.  I did have a bit of a case of the heebie-jeebies, looking for more lizards on me for the rest of the day.  You would too.

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