Are you teaching your children the history they might not learn in school?

What or who influenced your life?  Did someone inspire you?  A hero?  Someone you still think about now and then?  Someone you look up to?  A teacher?  A public figure? 


For me that person has always been Gloria Steinem.  I started on the newspaper staff in middle school, then on to be Editor in Chief of the yearbook in high school, a section editor at the Purdue newspaper.  My high school journalism teacher, Debbie Heitmann, made sure we knew about the history behind many of the important women in journalism.  I was instantly captivated by Ms Steinem and her life and her passion.


I get to meet my hero.


(leaving that sentence there to simmer all by itself for a minute)


Ms Steinem will be attending/hosting a handful of select events in Colorado over the next couple of weeks.  I am attending and/or working at at least 2 of these events.


I get to introduce my daughter to my hero.


(yup, simmer for a second on that)


So, speaking to my daughter about how excited I am, I get the eye rolling sighing teenager response.  I just cannot get her to understand the historical importance Ms Steinem played for American women.  Lucky for me, last week Oprah had her as a guest, and our kids are of the Oprah generation.  So, because she is one of Oprah's heroes, it is ok that she is mine also.


So, I have watched the episode with my daughter.  Have watched part of it with my son (we will finish it before he can watch mythbusters again).  They need to know this stuff, don't they?


Thinking about the responses of the kids, the eye rolling, the annoyance, etc, made me realize how good of a job Gloria Steinem and all the other brave, loud, troublesome women have done.  We have a generation that can't even comprehend what it could have been like "back then".  The can't imagine that world.


I don't label myself as a feminist.  There are too many stereotypes associated with that.  I am a woman.  I do not live my professional life expecting to be treated any differently than a man.  Why would I?  I am just as intelligent (often times more so) and qualified as they are, even though I am by far outnumbered in my line of work.  Who cares?  Treat all the same, regardless of gender or any of those other factors that don't mean a darn thing when it comes to getting the job done.


After all that rambling, if you are still with me, click below to view specific info about the events in Colorado and to register, most are free and just need a head count.

Register for events at BPW Colorado

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