Are you dizzy from all the PDC tweets too?

I think it's great that those of us that didn't make it to PDC have so much available to us for finding out what we missed so quickly.  But, I am about dizzy from the barrage of info, in tiny little 140 character nuggets.


Here's what I know:


NotAtPDC shows some of the best in people.  If you don't know it, go look.  Sunday evening a group of folks ( I think it started as whining) decided that just because they weren't at PDC, they could still have their own conference.  And holy cow, look what they accomplished.  I even donated some swag.


Geeks with shoes I am not the only geek with a thing for red shoes.


Windows Azure  Way too much for me to put here, click thru, read the release.  (insert sarcastic comment about naming an OS "blue" and comparisons to IBM/Big Blue)


Twitter got very fussy and slow with all the geeks trying to be the first one to share big news from the keynotes.


Good books Our CRM book was in the book store.  Go get one for yourself here.

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Hey I'm Famous- or- I was interviewed and sound kinda smart, go listen!

Oct 27
Some guys I know, we'll call them Eric, Eric and Josh, run a pretty cool Webcast series and invited me to join them for an interview recently about my experiences publishing a book. Go have a listen, then let's talk...
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Convergence 2009 NOLA looking for content

Oct 30
First, if you've not heard of Convergence before, check it out here. But in a nutshell, think Tech Ed plus PDC plus customers focused strictly on Dynamics. Pretty cool event. Anyhow, are you just dying to hear/learn about CRM as...


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