Educate your vote with Pikes Peak Business and Professional Women
I don't care of you're Democrat, Republican or Communist actually. As long as you can support your decisions. Can you explain WHY you feel the way you do? Then I respect that.
With so many different ballot initiatives how can we take the time to do the research ourselves to learn about what they mean? How will it affect MY life? My children? My neighbors? Never fear, Pikes Peak Buisness and Professional Women will help! ( )
At our meeting on September 23 we are inviting all, men and women, to join us to learn about what is on our ballots and what does it mean. In addition to that, we are extending our member price (only $25) to all that register in advance and attend. We want to help you help yourself.
Follow the link above and on the home page is a register link on the top of the page. Won't you join us?