Book #3 is out! The IT Girl's Guide to Becoming an Excel Diva

It seems like ages ago when Ani and I first started talking about her wanting to write a book.  It is now out and it is fabulous!  I was fortunate enough to help out by serving as technical editor.


For a very reasonable cost (under $20) you get a great resource on Excel, in an easy to read format, full of loads of extra tidbits.  All very digestible.


Ani, I am so proud of you!


Click below, order the book! The IT Girl's Guide to Becoming an Excel Diva: Ani Babaian: Books

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2008 NBC Olympics I feel duped!

Aug 9
Did you go to MIX in Vegas this March? Did you see the really cool really hyped demos? I am a HUGE Olympics fan and was really psyched for the non-stop 24 hrs of live streaming video and on-demand...
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Checkpoint-friendly computer bags set for debut? No, really????

Aug 15
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