.NET Developer Virtual Conference

( Semi-shameless plug to follow, but keep reading, it's good for you too)


I am the conference chair for a great conference coming up.  It is the .NET Developer Virtual Conference. 


How can I say it's great?  Well, first, the speakers.


Confirmed so far to present....


David Yack

Kathleen Dollard

Ben Hoelting

Tim Huckaby

Scott Golightly

Tim Heuer

Chris Sutton

Ani Babaian


How's that grab ya??


It gets better.  The cost of this conference?  $100.  Yup.  A hundred bucks.  For these great speakers!!!


A virtual conference you say?  What does that mean?  Really.


Well, I attended several sessions for the SQL virtual conference last week and was VERY impressed.  The sessions are recorded in advance.  Trust me, it's ok.  They have a great studio and get a good mix of speaker/slides/demos/etc.


But, it is interactive too.  They have chat rooms set up for each session and for general chat and for support.


Really, if you were to brainstorm ideas for how to have a successful virtual conference, you would have the conferences here.  With one exception.  It ain't free.  But really, a hundred bucks..for this?  It's a no brainer- eh?


Look for us on Facebook, join our event!



SSWUG.org .NET Developer Virtual Conference

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