Are we what we Google?

First I must say that when I use the word google as a verb, I mean any generic search engine, I personally use yahoo 95% of the time.  My husband cannot stand yahoo and is a google searcher.


So, are YOU what YOU google?  If I am I would be equal parts news, work and utter randomness.  If you know me, that sounds JUST.LIKE.ME.  Scary, huh?




Are we what we Google? - Washington Post-

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Google, Salesforce Grow Hosted-Apps Marketplace

Jul 1
Is anyone really surprised about this? I would hope not. The article linked below is a full 5 pages long (huge for us instant gratification people). But, it really is a good read. Salesforce has partnered with Google. Ok, great....
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.NET Developer Virtual Conference

Jul 3
( Semi-shameless plug to follow, but keep reading, it's good for you too) I am the conference chair for a great conference coming up. It is the .NET Developer Virtual Conference. How can I say it's great? Well, first, the...


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