10022- Shoe- aka Mecca

If you come to my blog for any of my technology musings, ignore this post.  If you are here for my random non-tech musings, this is for you.

If you are a shoe person like me (quickly closing in on 200 pairs), then you already know about 10022-shoe, the shoe department at Saks Fifth Avenue.  I went to Mecca on our first day in NYC.  It was of course on my plan already, but somehow, it wound up on day one (no complaints).  From the photos below, you can tell it was just convenient to stop when we did, cause otherwise I would not have gone shopping at Saks looking like I just got off a long plane ride.

I had told Dave I was not going to look at the sales, but we got there on a good day and the floor was practically taken over by sales.


As much as I may have wanted stilettos, alas, my stupid ankle would not allow me this.  I wound up with the Stuart Weitzman's below.  (regular price $280, I paid $95 and no taxes on shoes make it like an instant 8% sale).


For grins and giggles, there are also a couple of quick pictures Dave took while at Saks, including showing how excited the kids were to be there.


Saks.com - 10022- Shoe






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