Yahoo plus Google=Yahoogle?

So this better not get past those anti-trust people.  I love love love free enterprise, survival of the fittest, the American dream and all that.  HOWEVER, it has to be fair.  This would not be fair.


link to story here


Yahoo reminds me of that popular girl in high school, at about age 32.  She was sooo hot and popular back in the day and expects the real world to revolve around her still, even though she is no where near as hot as she used to be.  Just because she wants it to be that way, no real reason, except the past.


Yahoo is my preferred search engine- I will "google" (verb) something using Yahoo actually.  I prefer its interface and extra info I get like headlines and what not.  That is the same reason many people I know don't like Yahoo and use Google instead, plain vanilla.


I just don't think this is fair.  Not whining.  Not stomping my foot.  Just don't think it's fair.  Yahoo is great, I love using it.  But they are not as hot as they used to be- their stock prices show their REAL value.  That is what matters, not their perceived value.

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