Microsoft CRM 4.0 annoyance number.....

Ok, follow me here...


I have a picklist.


I have in this picklist values that are meaningful to my client.  They are steps in a process that they use.  These steps have names.  I am able on the attribute to place these steps in any order I please.  I am able to move the order around.  Pretty good little tool so far.  Behind each text value is a numeric value (pretty simple from my end starts with one and goes up by one for each item on list).  So, for my user, these items are working well, logical, works for them.


I now need to add a report for this client.  We need to use the values from this picklist and know how many records are in each bucket.  We won't discuss the reporting tool here, it has good and bad.  It doesn't work the way my brain would expect it to work.  but it makes reports.  I wanted to show my client how to make and use reports from CRM without passing it off to a developer, so don't suggest that, it would defeat one of the main purposes of the exercise.


So, I get my records to report on.


I make a grouping by the values in this picklist.


Take out those with no data.


The only way for these values to appear is in ALPHABETICAL order, ascending or descending.  What the heck?  If I wanted alpha order, shouldn't I just put it in that order on the list?  Shouldn't it be the way I put it on the picklist for reporting too?  Maybe give me an option for alpha order or system order?  But, alas, I am stuck with alpha ordering on a report where it makes NO SENSE.




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