User group member Blogs?

So last night I could only stop at out meeting for a moment, right at the end.  I was fortunate enough to meet Eric (aka "the new guy").  He suggested a blog page on our group site so new people (or old ones too) could find people in the local community and what they are blogging about.


So, knowing that we all are volunteers, I just plopped out on our site a template page that our service provider offers to house these blogs.


To get on, just drop me an email, I'll get your info up as soon as I can. 


And if you found me because of the user group site, hello!  I'd love to hear from you.

User group Member- Blogs

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Way to go Drew!

May 6
Mom brag follows.... Drew, my freshman son, just lettered. In both band and technology club in his freshman year. Congrats Drew, I am proud of you.
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Larger than zero bytes- geee thanks!

May 7
So, I went looking for a file today when I noticed I was running out of space on my C drive. Only reason I even noticed was the big RED graphic. This laptop is fairly new and has a good...


Erik Lane

Hi from "the new guy". Boy, you guys are fast and it looks great. Hopefully it will let others in the community know about other bloggers or at least connect with other devs in the community.

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