See why kids need cell phones?

I get a lot of flack because both my kids have cell phones.  And have for a few years.

They have them for my convenience and for emergencies.  Obviously, mostly for my convenience.   So far we've had one honest to goodness emergency and that one was enough to convince me they will keep their phones.  Fuss at me all you want.


This 13 yr old girl was home from school sick (which is a topic for a different debate, but I can see the reasoning here).  She heard people break into her house and texted her mom because it would not be heard.  Mom called 911 and rushed home and was wrestling with one of the intruders when police arrived.  Good for her!!  Good for mom for having a phone for her!



With intruders just feet away, teen texts for help - TODAY: People -

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Microsoft Focus group- the day after

Apr 29
was not a waste of time scored cool software for my user group hope the ideas of the group are passed along, we shared some cool stuff And that's all you get, I signed ANOTHER NDA. (should I just FedEx...
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Way to go Drew!

May 6
Mom brag follows.... Drew, my freshman son, just lettered. In both band and technology club in his freshman year. Congrats Drew, I am proud of you.


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