Political survey phone call tonight

Every now and then you may see a political blog post from me, and those who know me in person know I have some pretty strong political beliefs and I'm not afraid to share them.  But one of my strongest beliefs is that YOUR beliefs are just as important to me as my own.  Seriously.


So, when during American Idol the phone rang with a political survey, I had no choice but to pause (love DVR) to answer the questions.


Ok- typical....If McCain vs Clinton, who would you support?

If McCain vs Obama, who would you support?

Conservative, moderate or liberal?


So far so good, right?

Then I go this one...

Do you think marijuana should be legalized and regulated so it too can contribute to the downfall of our culture much in the way alcohol has done?


W.  T.  H.?????


I refused to answer the question and told the lady on the other end how awful the question was...there is no good way to answer the question.


So, why do I post this?  So that when you, who all should be politically aware and active, see these surveys you take the results with a grain of salt- or sometimes an entire salt mine.

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Do you still beat your children?... oh wait.. look back two posts... hmmm..

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